Akeem pictured right Society is typically governed by an unwritten set of rules that generally dictate how one behaves while in the presence of others. Not standing too close to someone in a line or facing the door in an elevator are examples of standard rules that we tend to abide by. These social norms assist in constructing our beliefs of what is appropriate as well as what isn't appropriate so we expect to observe others acting in a similar manner. In an effort to expose and break negative social norms around underage drinking, Youth Leadership Institute has begun a positive social norms campaign. As soon as the prospect was presented to me, I was immediately intrigued with the idea of applying it to my residence hall at Reedley College. Admittedly, I didn't think it would be effective, but I am pleased with our progress. After attending two training workshops, I have learned quite a bit pertaining to interpreting data, recognizing norms, and the idea of perception versus reality. Suffice to say, I was satisfied with the amount of dedication present. We have a wonderful and efficient team of people here at the residence hall on board for the process to assist in spreading the positive norms in regards to underage drinking. The most interesting aspect of the campaign includes the use of text messages, social networking sites (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, etc.), and blogs to get the word out. There has yet to be any noticeable challenges so far in the campaign and the results of the data have proved to rather promising in the sense that it even disproved my initial beliefs. Personally, I have hope that this campaign will affect many to realize that even a small group of people can spread enough knowledge to make a difference. Akeem Brewer is a YLI participant and a Reedley College student. |