On March 26th, 2011 the First Annual Kerman Teen Summit was held at Kerman High School. Over 100 local youth attended. The event was a collaboration between the City of Kerman Youth Commission, Kerman Unified School District and Youth Leadership Institute. The day was jammed packed with dynamic keynote speakers, workshops on key topics affecting teens, informational booths and an “X the TXT” presentation, where teens and community members were asked to take action and join more than 125,000 Americans who have pledged not to text and drive through Allstate’s “X the TXT” campaign by adding their thumbprints to a pledge banner as a symbol of their promise not to text and drive
The event was planned by youth for youth and included speakers from organizations like The Know Youth Media, The California Health Collaborative, Friday Night Live and kNOw More. Workshops included: Student Financial Planning and College 101, where youth met with representatives from California State University Fresno to learn tips on the college application process and financial aid. Other workshop topics were: dropout prevention, healthy nutrition and living, the tough choices involved in teen pregnancy and underage drinking prevention.