Six months after the store makeover Latino Market is still making healthy changes!
Latino Market is now WIC certified!
All shelves are well stocked with a variety of food items. Many products available for the first time in Latino Market. In addition to the fresh produce, healthy food items include, whole grain breads and cereals, a variety of healthy fruit and veggie baby foods, beans/lentils, a large variety of canned fruits and veggies, and a variety of 100% juices.
Our healthy banner is still in place of the huge Budweiser ad and the produce is selling very well!
In fact, Latino Market is selling so much produce (much of it through WIC)they plan to purchase an open produce case similar to the cases in full service grocery stores. With the new case he will be able to accommodate more produce and enhance the appearance of the store. This year, Latino Market plans to add a deli where sandwiches, prepared salads, and cut fruit will be available. Through the amazing changes initiated by the CCROPP youth council Latino Market continues to be a true asset to the community! For more before and after photos vist our Flickr page at: